Food Access
Washington State
Farmers Market Association
The WSFMA Regional Leads program goals are to build local capacity at farmers’ markets around food access programs, marketing, and general market operations. We seek to build community partnerships to foster capacity building, collaboration with community stakeholders, and to foster peer-peer resource sharing and education. The Regional Lead program provides support in kids programming, cooking demonstrations, vendor recruitment, incentive programs, market manager support, and a food access forum to establish “peer to peer” networking that will enable markets, educators, and contractors to communicate regularly and share experiences.
Washington State
Department of Health
We're proud to be one of over 100 markets that participate in the SNAP Market Match program administered by the Washington State Department of Health. We think ALL people should have access to the healthiest, freshest food produced by local farmers.
Washington State Department of Agriculture
The Washington State Department of Agriculture has been serving the state for more than 100 years. Their diverse roles include providing fee-based services to the agriculture community, promoting Washington agricultural products, and ensuring regulations are closely observed. The WSDA works extensively with farmers and ranchers, to ensure food safety to environmental protection.